He Knocked Me Up, Then Dumped Me!

The in-laws Jim & Marilyn came into town Sunday.  It was so good to spend time with them!  Troy and I took them to the Alamo Drafthouse to see Salt.  They loved the Drafthouse – who wouldn’t love a theater where they bring you food and alcohol all through the movie??  Best idea for a business, EVER!!!  And Salt was a good flick.  Angelina is always fastinating to watch, especially when she goes all bad-ass-y.  Reminded me a lot of the Bourne series.

Monday morning blood work:  HCG was in the 33,000’s and Progesterone was 26.  The HCG was an accident, I was using an old lab ticket and I didn’t realize the panel on it had both tests in it.  I’m glad it was a good number, but I’m also glad we’re not checking that anymore.  It just stresses me out too much! 

Troy was able to take off on Monday, and I’m so glad he got to spend the day with Marilyn and Jim.  I tried to take the day off, too, but we already had other people out.  I was lucky to be able to get off early!  Jim is in the process of restoring an old pontoon boat so Troy and Jim tooled around the boat stores in the morning.  Around 2 I headed out of work and met up with Marilyn and Troy, and we all went to the u/s together.

Everything looked great on the ultrasound!  The baby is measuring a few days ahead in size and had a great heartbeat of 167.  I’m so glad Troy and his mom got to hear it together!  It was so fun having us all together!  Poor Dr. Silverberg and the nurses, we just couldn’t stop laughing and joking!  I sat up after the sonogram and Dr. Silverberg started giving me a speech about bringing him a picture of the baby, being sure to refer the clinic to others, etc.  It finally sank in what he was telling me, and I blurted out, “Now that you’ve got me knocked up, are you breaking up with me?”  He laughed and confirmed that indeed, he is now passing me on to my OB.  He gave me a big hug and extra pics of the ultrasound, then we checked out for the last time!

I do repeat my progesterone for them again next Tuesday.  I’ve already called my OB, Dr. Breen, and I’ve set up my first appointment.  The earliest they could get me in is August 9th.  That’s like, 10 days away!  Argh!  I wonder if Dr. Breen does ultrasounds?  I’ll definitely ask.  I at least want to hear a heartbeat.  I’m going to need a regular fix for a while.  Argh, I don’t like not being special anymore!  What’s with the ‘regular old pregnant patient’ crap?  I’ve loved Dr. Breen for years, I’m sure he’ll be supportive and understanding.

Monday night I had the bad cramps again.  I just can’t tell when it’s gas and when I’m cramping.  They woke me up all through the night.  Tuesday when the alarm went off, I was so tired and hurting so much, I just couldn’t get going.  I’m so lucky my boss was so understanding.  It was good to take a day just resting, drinking a lot of water and taking Gas-X from time-to-time.  It worked!  Today I feel like a new woman.  No cramps or gas (knock on wood, quick!), although I did  have my first bout of morning sickness.  From now on, I’ve got the ol’ sleeve ‘o crackers on the night stand to keep the nausea at bay.

So … I just listed all the awesome things about finding myself 7 1/2 weeks pregnant … and now I’ll follow it up with the always annoying, “But I don’t know if I really believe it, it doesn’t seem real.”  I don’t know how else to explain it.  I feel like I’m going thru a bout of the flu, then it’ll be back to normal ‘ol infertile me.  It just doesn’t seem like it could be true .. how could I be this lucky?  I’m never one of the lucky ones.  It could all go away at any minute … that’s the way it usually goes…

16 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Pie
    Jul 28, 2010 @ 14:59:47

    It is so hard to go from seeing the doc all the time – especially a RE that monitors everything!! – to a normal OB patient. I swear, it is a huge adjustment. They should have OB practices for IF patients, just so we can be weaned off the u/s. 🙂

    I found Goldfish crackers (the plain kind, not cheddar) were really soothing on my m/s tummy. The saltines were just too dry, chalky.


  2. Anonymous
    Jul 28, 2010 @ 15:16:28

    So glad the ultrasound went well and the baby is measuring right on track.

    P.S.- I LOVE the Alamo drafthouse!!


  3. athena
    Jul 28, 2010 @ 15:17:45

    i graduated from my RE today too!! it’s awesome, but also annoying! i don’t have another u/s for two weeeeeeeks!! however will i survive!! glad everything is going great with your little one! 😀


  4. Kari
    Jul 28, 2010 @ 16:16:07

    Woo hoo for awesome ultrasound!! Grow little one grow!! I was spoiled by my OB and she did an ultrasound at every appointment until about 28 weeks. She knew I was neurotic and needed to be reassured constantly. Stay hydrated, well rested, & relaxed!!


  5. Amber
    Jul 28, 2010 @ 18:00:44

    I’m so glad you’re getting dumped by your RE! It was actually really sad for me to leave his office, but what a big step in the right direction. I can’t even tell you how happy I am for you!!!

    P.S. I LOVE your title of this post. Clever!


  6. katery
    Jul 28, 2010 @ 21:38:10

    🙂 yea ❤ !!!


  7. Katie
    Jul 28, 2010 @ 21:55:42

    Congrats on graduating to a OB!


  8. Myndi
    Jul 28, 2010 @ 22:42:35

    Leaving the RE was super, super hard! But it also means you’ve graduated, and that’s all good!

    I had cramps the first month or so. I think it’s totally normal. So much is changing, it totally makes sense.

    And I am SO happy that you’re almost 8 weeks already and things are moving so beautifully! Woohoo!!


  9. Txgirl
    Jul 29, 2010 @ 09:07:07

    Yay for getting to leave Dr Silverberg! Sounds like everything is on track–and yay for morning sickness! That’ll really help you feel like things are going well, lol.
    I love the Drafthouse too. I’ve heard about the Gold Class Cinema in the Domain for eating while watching movies, but it is waaayyy outta my budget.


    • iamstacey
      Aug 05, 2010 @ 14:02:58

      I heard about the Gold Cinema! I figure we’ll try it out eventually – probably just once, just to try it. We’ll wait for a big, epic movie to make it worth the cost. 🙂
      There’s a new theater opening in Round Rock somewhere called the Flix Brewhouse. I think it’ll be similar to the Drafthouse but they brew their own beers. I feel like I’m cheating on the Drafthouse just thinking about going there, but I can’t wait to check it out when it opens!


  10. sweet georgia
    Jul 29, 2010 @ 09:19:03

    Congrats on graduating to your OB! The Progesterone level is awesome! I know exactly what you mean about hearing the heart beat, receiving the good numbers and having the symptoms and still not quite believing that it’s true. It will sink in, try to enjoy as much of this as you can.


  11. Stacey
    Jul 31, 2010 @ 13:16:29

    Moving ahead to the OB is a big step! That is great and I’m so glad you’ve been able to have those reassuring ultrasounds! It is hard to make the switch and feel like you’re suddenly supposed to be like a “regular” pregnant woman. I remember the wait to get in to see the OB felt so long, and at my first visit they decided I didn’t “need” an ultrasound!!! Ahhh! I wanted to scream, but I gradually learned how to be patient and try to relax a bit — but it wasn’t easy. (Oh, and renting a Doppler was a HUGE help for us!)
    I hope the rest of your first trimester passes by quickly and with no worries so you can settle into this and enjoy it. I’m so excited for you!!


  12. wopchr
    Aug 03, 2010 @ 21:21:31

    Yay for graduation!!!!!!!!!!! You go, girl.
    I’m remembering when I graduated from the RE to the MFM and then the MFM to the OB…so many acronyms, but you are on your way, sweetie!
    so happy


  13. Jenny
    Aug 05, 2010 @ 10:05:08

    This is great news Stacey! I’m so happy to hear you are pregnant (sorry I’m a little behind on my blog reading). I remember the feeling of not seeing Dr. Vaughn anymore. It was great but also a little sad. 🙂 But the best feeling in the world was being able to take my 3 month old son there in June so that Dr. Vaughn and Keri and all the staff could meet him. It was great – like showing them what all their work had accomplished! I kept thanking Dr. V for him, he said he didn’t have much to do with it. Ha! Good luck with the pregnancy – if you ever need to discuss anything about it, feel free to email me. Take care! Oh and by the way, if you feel exhuasted in the 1st trimester, just remind yourself that I promise your energy comes back in the 2nd trimester! 🙂


    • iamstacey
      Aug 05, 2010 @ 14:00:38

      Hi, Jenny! It’s so good to hear from you. I’m so glad you and the baby are doing great! Keri told me the same thing – to be sure to schedule a follow-up baby visit after the baby is born. It seems so surreal, like that would never be me! I hope it is, though!
      I’m hoping I am one of those that bounces back in the second trimester! I was pretty low energy before this, I’m really moving slow now!


  14. My Bumpy Journey
    Aug 08, 2010 @ 17:59:19

    I am so happy that everything is going well for you! Our city has a theater that serves food and alcohol during the movie. It makes you wonder why more don’t do that!!!!


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