Feelin’ Alright

Hangin’ in there!  Still stayin’ busy.  I’m soooooo glad it’s a long weekend comin’ up!  We’re not makin’ any plans – just stayin’ close to home, sleepin’ lots, and veggin’!  I’d love to finish catching up on Big Bang Theory.  And Troy promised to take me to the new Twilight movie this weekend, too.  Woohoo!

Did I tell you that girlfriend Melissa and I tricked Troy into seein’ Sex & the City 2?  Actually, we drugged and kid-napped the poor guy.  Troy’s been fighting a summer cold for almost 3 weeks now.  He’s been really irritable (and irritating!), but seemed to be feeling great on Sunday so we talked him into driving us to the the movies, with the promise that he could go see whatever he wanted.  On the we we stopped to eat at Chuy’s, my favorite, awesome TexMex restaurant.  I can’t drink right now, but Melissa had this awesome Mexican martini made with jalapena-infused tequila.  Which sounds horrible, but is really, really good! (I just tried a sip, I promise!)  Troy rarely drinks but he liked it, so Melissa ordered him one.  He said the tequila actually soothed his throat and cleared out his sinuses, so he kept sipping – and ended up getting soooo tipsy. He was so funny, he just kept cracking us up! Then he got sleepy, so we just took him to S&TC with us.  He slept for a while, ’til the Irish nanny started jumping around braless, then he ended up watching the movie.  He spent the rest of the afternoon complaining that the movie shrunk his testicles and now there’d never be a little Harlan.  I should’ve brought a back-up drink for after the movie. 🙂

The cramps got more intense through the day yesterday.  I woke up off and on all night last night.  At first it was the cramps, then I thought I smelled gas from the stove, then I woke up ragingly thirsty.  It’s exhausting trying to sleep! 🙂  I’ve had a break-out of teenage-proportions on my nose.  My lower back has been seriously achy.   All sounds like AF to me, but no flow yet.

The verse Psalm 113:9 keeps rolling around in my head, all day long.  “He makes the barren woman to be the happy mother of children.”  Oh Lord, please make this barren woman a happy mother!