My Fall Wreath

I had a wonderful time at the Sunday School class ladies’ social last Friday night!  It was an amazing turn-out, about 20 women!  Some just visited, some made wreaths, some brought other projects they wanted to work on.  Everyone was so friendly and happy to be there!  A few even brought wine!  My kind of group! 🙂

And I made a wreath!  (with a lot of help from Mom)  I’m so proud of it!





I had so much fun, I’ve already started on a second one that will have a sunflower theme.

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I ran out of the white lace ribbon and I have to go to Hobby Lobby to get one more roll, so it’s still a work in progress.

After all that, we ended up missing church Sunday, but that’s another story.  I just wanted to post these pics, but I’ll write more this week.  Much love!


Mom and I split a piece of pumpkin cheesecake at Olive Garden.  Davie ate the whipped topping.  YUM! 🙂