34 Weeks

I.  Am.  So.  Tired.

Things are going good, moving right along.  It just seems I am so tired by about 2pm every day.  I think pregnancy insomnia has a lot to do with it.  My back hurts a lot and my left hip and leg often goes AWOL.  But everything is going great with the pregnancy and that makes me super happy.

My dad got a job in the ministry!  A real answer to prayer for us.  He is preaching part-time for a little church not far from us in Milano, Texas.  Of course we will stay with our church in Georgetown.  We really love our church and Sunday School class, as well as the marriage class we go to on Wednesday nights.  And Davie goes to school there Tues., Wed. and Thurs.  But once a month or so, we will go to Milano to worship at dad’s church and hear him speak.  Last Sunday we went, and the people were so welcoming and friendly!  They really seem to adore dad.  I’m so happy for my folks.

Davie is sick again. 😦   Last Friday about 2am she came into our bedroom crying, coughing and choking, then bent over and threw up.  I put her in bed with me and she was burning up.  It was a long night. 😦  As soon as they opened I called the pediatrician and took her in.  Turns out it’s not her ears this time – this time she has a viral chest infection.  They put her on steroids, antibiotics and breathing treatments.  It helped for a day or two, then we were back in the dr’s office on Monday when her fever came back.  They took an x-ray to rule out pneumonia and it came back clear, which is a relief.  We’ve just gotta get her well before they put the tubes in her ears next Tuesday!

Thursday we’re going to our church in Georgetown after work to help with the annual Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat.  Davie is going as a pink sock monkey.  I hope it’s cool enough so she can wear the costume (and that she’s feeling good)!  My mother-in-law made her a beautiful sparkly black and orange tutu, so if it’s too hot for the sock monkey we’ll just put her in the tutu. 🙂

I had a great couponing trip to Walmart this weekend.  I got $270 worth of groceries for $113.  I was really happy!  I should note, though, that I didn’t get two of the most expensive items, diapers and meat.   My total would’ve been much higher if I’d gotten those items this trip, but we had just gotten a great deal on diapers on Amazon Mom Subscribe & Save, and we got a great deal on fresh chicken from Zaycon.  If they deliver to your area, you can’t beat their quality and price for fresh chicken! 

I’ve been finding cannisters of Similac formula on mark-down at Target, from $17 down to $11.45.  I signed up on the Similac website before Davie, and occasionally we get $5 coupons from them, which make the discounted cannisters only $6.45.  The expiration date is 2015, and we’ll use them up by then!  It feels good to finally be stocking up on formula.  We’ve got a good stash of diapers going, so pretty much all that’s left for me to get is sensitive-skin bath wash, powder and lotion.

Oh my gosh, thank God it’s almost 4:30.  Just 15 minutes to go, then I’ll pick up Davie.  Hopefully I can get her in bed by 8:30 – if I can last that long!