Mom Watched Me Have Sex

… with a plastic tube.  🙂  She went with me to my IUI on Friday and got to meet Dr. Silverberg.  She’s so ecstatic – she keeps telling everyone that she got to be there when her grandbaby was made!  If we are successful this time, the poor kid’s going to be traumatized at that mental image …

Today (Saturday) is mom’s birthday, and she and Dad wanted to take my nephews to Sea World today.  But I wanted to have a Girl’s Day Out with Mom for her birthday, and since I’m off during the day on Fridays she came into town a day early.  We lived it up!  Manicures, pedicures (I’m rockin’ a happy shade of sparkly light orange on me toes :)), Cracker Barrel and shopping at the outlet mall!  Awesome day!  I got a new pair of Rocket Dog tennies that are tie-dye yellow and orange and have a smiley face and a peace sign on each side.  Love ’em!  




Friday’s IUI was right smack in the middle of the day, so Mom went with me.  A co-worker loaned me a stuffed sperm he keeps on the top of his computer for good luck (schwag from a drug rep from a cryobank), so mom, stuffed sperm and I headed to the clinic and she came in with me.  I would love it if this was the lucky time, if she really could claim she was there! 🙂   Everything went just fine, and Troy’s boys got stellar marks.



Since I worked Friday night, Troy dropped me off and picked me up, then drove me to the second IUI this morning.  Dr. Vaughn was doing weekend duty, so Troy got to meet him.  The dr. was in a great mood and was very funny.  It was the easiest, least uncomfortable IUI so far! 

Right before the IUI, Dr. Vaughn did a quick sonogram to check the ovary, and found that I still had not released the egg.  I wonder if I don’t respond to Ovidrel?  Because of this, I’m going back in the morning (Sunday) for a ‘release check’ to see if I ever do release the egg.  If the sonogram shows that I still haven’t released the egg, it will tell them that I have a different cause of infertility than they’ve been trying to treat so far.  He says that if I don’t respond to Ovidrel by ovulating, IVF will be our next step.

I have no fear of IVF in and of itself, and I’ll be excited to take that next step closer to our goal.  The thing that scares me is that our insurance covers 3 IVF attempts, and that’s it.  I’d like to have more than one child.  My hope was that we’d be successful with IUI’s for the first baby, and I could save IVF for the second try, when I’d be older.

But from the time we decided to try for a baby, Troy and I have both felt comfortable with the decision to only take this journey as far as as his insurance could carry us, and the outcome would be what it would be.  I want to make him a dad, I want to have his baby, but if we can’t, we have each other and we will have a wonderful life together.  And in the meantime, we still have far to go before it’s IF Game Over!

Sunday’s gonna be a good day, I can’t wait!  Friends and family are headed over, and Troy’s got a brisket in the oven to cook all night.  Yum!  I got a great German recipe from a friend at work this evening for fried potatoes with onions, bacon, apple cider vinegar and Monterrey Jack cheese.  OMG, they sound SO good!

I’ll edit this post when I get home in the morning to add pics of the bean-bag sperm and my new tennis shoes. 🙂

Sunday afternoon edit to add:  I laid an egg!  All by myself!  Yay, ovaries!  I hope we didn’t do the IUI’s too early.  I hope there’s still a chance!  But even if this isn’t the cycle, at least we know that we don’t need to go straight to IVF.  Dr. Vaughn said he would recommend that we do another injectables/double IUI cycle, but adapt the dosing so I end up with a few eggs at the end instead of just one.  I like it!  Good plan! 🙂

Oh – and the brisket is wonderful!  Good job, Troy!

Smurf Armageddon

The pool guy took all our toys out of the pool.  It wasn’t his regular day to come so I hadn’t done it for him and didn’t realize he’d been there.  Let the dogs out as usual … came back 30 minutes later, and it looked like a smurf war zone!  Apparently funoodles are fun to eat!  Dude is now in time-out.  Indefinitely.



its even in the pool!

it's even in the pool!




And we have the usual assortment of friends and family coming over Sunday afternoon to eat and swim and play cards.  Since I’m at work tonight, Troy gets Smurf disposal duty. 🙂