Believe It – Or Not (and a cake recipe)

Over the past few months I’ve discovered several IF sisters at work – and it turns out we all go to the same fertility center.  While we don’t talk about it a lot at work, from time to time we’ll share an update and check up on each other.  It’s amazing how close the IF world is – we are definitely not alone! 

Just about five weeks ago a co-worker, V.,  was talking to me about an upcoming procedure she was going to have in the next week to repair her fallopian tubes to hopefully get her and her husband on their way to their first baby.  Another co-worker, M, just passing by overheard us talking and went on to share her story.  M is newly married for the second time, and she and her husband would like to have a child together.  After the birth of her fifth child she had her tubes tied.   (Oh yes, there are five of them already, including a set of twins conceived naturally).  She was scheduled to have an out-patient procedure to have the tubal ligation reversed that week.

Today, five weeks later, she is pregnant.

I am in awe.


And just ’cause you’ll probably need it after that true story:

Cream Cheese Butter Cake

8 oz soft cream cheese

1/2 c warm water

1 box butter cake mix

2 tbsp softened butter

1/2 c sugar

1/2 c oil

4 eggs, room temp


Mix together the cream cheese and water with mixer.

Add cake mix and butter, mix

Add sugar and oil, mix

Add eggs 1 at a time, mixing well

Grease and flour pan, bake at 325 for 45 min.

I’ve made it in a typical rectangular cake pan and in a bundt pan, and both came out great.  I usually use cream cheese frosting.  For a bundt, I heat the frosting in the microwave and pour it over the top. 

My husband is so vanilla he actually eats it with vanilla ice cream.  That’s a lotta vanilla.

You Really Do Like Me!

I’m Lovely x 2!  I’ve been awarded twice!

Jessica, thank you so much for the Lovely Bog award!  So very cool!  You absolutely deserve it.  Check out Jessica’s journey at Dreams of A Baby at  Her blog is so pretty!  She is so brave and honest in sharing her heart.

And thanks so much Katie at Once Upon A Time at  Ya’ll have to read her amazing success story!  On their very last attempt at IVF, they got their miracle BFP – times two!  Reading her blog gives me hope that it’ll happen for me, too!


The rules of the “One Lovely Blog Award” are: Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person who has granted the award, and his or her blog link. Pass the award to 15 other blogs that you’ve newly discovered. Remember to contact the bloggers to let them know they have been chosen for this award.  I’m so bad about passing on awards but I will try to get it done before the weekend sweeps me away!